
wk 9 blog

TOPIC 1: MUSIC'S INFLUENCE When I was a child I went to best buy with my grandmother and I found an Eminem CD I wanted to buy because I had heard my father listening to his music. After I got home and started listening to it my grandmother heard the lyrics and took it back after I had gone to bed and purchased the clean version. My grandmother was the nicest person on the planet and didn’t want to hurt my feelings, so she didn’t take it away immediately, but she didn’t want me hearing those kinds of words at my young age. I did not really notice too much until I was told about the switch later when I was older. I support her decision now. I enjoy all sorts of genres and music so what I listen to depends on my mood. Right now, I have been listening to all sorts of “rock” music from anywhere from the 70’s-90’s.  My top 5 bands/artists I enjoy listening to; David Sylvian/Japan, Steely Dan, David Bowie, Men at Work, Andrew Gold. I understand that all these artists/bands are mostly

aug 16 media blog

TOPIC 1: BANNED BOOKS AND YOUR BOOKSHELF On the 2017 list of banned books I recognize Thirteen Reasons Why, Drama, and To Kill a Mockingbird I never read any of them, but I have heard the titles. After reading the reasons why some of these books were banned I don’t agree with banning them at schools. I think they are fine for schools as long as they go to the correct students. All the books on the challenged list I believe should not be in elementary schools or middle schools, but high school is fine. All the books on my bookshelf right now are school textbooks, that should tell the reader of this that I am not a big reader and mostly stick to what is necessary for me to read. TOPIC 2: MAGAZINES I don’t normally read magazines but If I am at a doctor or a waiting room I usually go for auto magazines. If they don’t have those then I usually go for a national geographic. I think that this shows that I don’t usually like magazines but when I do read them I enjoy lear

Media blog project topic #4

I recently watched the movie Avengers: Infinity War and wanted to discuss and analyze it because it was the most recent movie that I have seen. Link to the trailer by Marvel Entertainment here: I am not a huge fan of Marvel like a lot of people are so before I watched the movie I had to do some research on characters and stories. I checked online for resources and found this: It is straight from the marvel website and helped me immensely with figuring out what each character is from and what they are like. If you didn’t already know the “Avengers” series is comprised of tons of different characters from many different comic books fighting and interacting together to defeat a common evil. Infinity war is not first “Avengers” movie but the story is not affected if you watch the others or not. The plot is basically marvel heroes banding together to defeat this new threat and save half the world from destruction

wk 5 blogpost

TOPIC 1: NEWSPAPERS I usually get my news from word of mouth or Facebook, I never go out looking for news, so I only get whatever others want me to know. Local news has almost no impact on my life. The news I receive I always take with a grain of salt, if someone tells me something I wouldn’t go out and tell someone the same thing as if I knew it as fact. I do not subscribe to any news sources with a paywall or not. I am not willing to pay because the news they deliver would not impact my life in a positive way. 1 I am not well informed on current events or what’s going on in my community or society, although it is not important to me because it wouldn’t change my life enough to investigate it. TOPIC 2: FAKE NEWS I think that what President Trump is trying to say is that we should be cautious with the media and news we consume and use common sense to try to figure out if a story is as they say it is. I agree with my interpretation of what he said, whether that was what he

wikileaks and first amendment

TOPIC 1: FIRST AMENDMENT, COPYRIGHT AND FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION The most surprising thing that I found in RiP was the point when they spoke about Napster and how many people got in legal trouble for it. Many people said that chose to settle the case but the one family decided to go to court and was fined for each song they downloaded. When I was a kid we always talked about using LimeWire to download music, all my friends did it but I was just a bit too young to understand it, whenever I wanted music I would download the audio from music on YouTube and use that. After watching the documentary, I would like to know more about copyright laws and blogs, also the film is quite dated at this point, so I would like to know more about how the laws have or have not changed. The song Black Cow by Steely Dan has a wonderful original beat that was taken by Lord Tariq and Peter Gunz to help create their song Déjà vu. In my opinion the reason their song got any popularity was from the beat

Media Blog project topic 1

I have seen many advertisements in my 20 years of existence and it has been interesting to see how they are evolving to match the pace of today’s world. Heinz Ketchup does it right when it comes to advertisement. The main persuasive technique that I see Heinz use when advertising is using association. They are trying to associate their product to the old days when people used real ingredients and things were simpler than they are today. In this ad by Heinz on YouTube they have a simple short and to the point message, They are just trying to say that they have good ripe sweet tomatoes in their ketchup. They also use a classic song In The Moon by Glenn Miller Orchestra which was made in the 40’s they are also trying to associate you with the happy child eating the tasty looking burger and fries almost saying, “This could be you if you buy our ketchup!” This ad is not the first of its kind and it is not very different than other companies

week 3

TOPIC 1 I searched the first brand I could think of which was @hefty on twitter. I went to their page to look around and I found that almost every post was a retweet. The tweets they do have that are their own are mostly jokes or replying to others praising the brand. The target audience looks like it is mothers. The reason I say this is because most of the things they retweet are by mothers or have mothers in the picture with the hefty garbage bag. I don’t think they are doing a great job because they only have about 6k followers. If I was the product manager I would try to get out there on twitter and interact with more people including other brands. the Wendy’s twitter account is always being talked about because they basically just trash talk other companies and people love it, if I were a brand manager I would try to do something like that. TOPIC 2: PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES -- Consider TWO DIFFERENT ADVERTISEMENTS or PUBLIC RELATIONS campaigns that you've seen recen