aug 16 media blog
On the 2017 list of banned books I recognize Thirteen Reasons Why, Drama, and To Kill a
Mockingbird I never read any of them, but I have heard the titles.
After reading the reasons why some of these books were
banned I don’t agree with banning them at schools. I think they are fine for schools
as long as they go to the correct students. All the books on the challenged
list I believe should not be in elementary schools or middle schools, but high
school is fine.
All the books on my bookshelf right now are school
textbooks, that should tell the reader of this that I am not a big reader and
mostly stick to what is necessary for me to read.
I don’t normally read magazines but If I am at a doctor or a
waiting room I usually go for auto magazines. If they don’t have those then I usually
go for a national geographic. I think that this shows that I don’t usually like
magazines but when I do read them I enjoy learning new things.
Usually products related to the magazines, in the auto magazines
it is usually car parts or auto shops that advertise. In national geographic I never
notice advertisements, but I would have to imagine they would be for products
that generally are used by older people such as aspirin.
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