Media Blog project topic 1

I have seen many advertisements in my 20 years of existence and it has been interesting to see how they are evolving to match the pace of today’s world. Heinz Ketchup does it right when it comes to advertisement.

The main persuasive technique that I see Heinz use when advertising is using association. They are trying to associate their product to the old days when people used real ingredients and things were simpler than they are today. In this ad by Heinz on YouTube they have a simple short and to the point message,

They are just trying to say that they have good ripe sweet tomatoes in their ketchup. They also use a classic song In The Moon by Glenn Miller Orchestra which was made in the 40’s they are also trying to associate you with the happy child eating the tasty looking burger and fries almost saying, “This could be you if you buy our ketchup!”

This ad is not the first of its kind and it is not very different than other companies who also go for the “simpler times appeal” many companies go for this appeal and overdo it or overplay the ad, so you can’t help but hate the product because you have unwillingly seen the same ad over and over. The target audience is this ad is most likely older people and people who like to reminisce about the simpler times. Heinz has a twitter which also seems mostly targeted at older folks.

Although they mostly advertise to older people there is a smaller demographic of younger people who are into how things were back in the old day or people who enjoy music from the early 40’s.
I do not think that the social media of Heinz US is working very well, the fact that their target audience doesn’t use social media much does not bode well for them either. I would recommend they stick with there

The ad does very well when it comes to simplicity and it really brings you back to a simpler time. The catchy tune got stuck in my head and I just had to go back online and search the ad up once again to find the song and, in the process, I found enjoyment watching the ad again. The only weakness I find in this ad is how short it is, even another 5 seconds of a picture of the product would have been much better.

When researching Heinz advertisements, I found nothing on the ad I enjoyed, what I did find was a lot of interest in an ad campaign they had that ran with a popular television series, Mad men. The ad I researched was a simple picture of food with a caption of “Pass the Heinz”

Based off this ad campaign I would be interested in buying ketchup after seeing a nice picture of a burger or fries, unfortunately I can’t tell a difference between different brands of ketchup, so I just buy the cheapest.

Heinz is doing well with their advertisement and I appreciate them not following the bandwagon of bright flashy commercials trying to get appeal from the newest trend. I have learned that they know to appeal to different demographics to make you want to buy ketchup. I was surprised when looking at the ad that it was not very popular and that they had a much more popular ad.

Nudd, Tim. “50 Years Later, Heinz Approves Don Draper's 'Pass the Heinz' Ads and Is Actually Running Them.” Adweek, Adweek, 13 Mar. 2017,


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